Spotlight on ArtSupport NL: Final Report

The ability to fundraise effectively is essential for any non-profit organization, including those in the arts. But what if your fundraising skills need some fine tuning?

That’s exactly what Business & Arts NL set out to achieve through its ArtSupport NL program. The program, which ran in two phases from March 2018 to September 2022, paired 27 local arts organizations large and small (like Theatre Newfoundland Labrador, Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador, Eastern Labrador Arts Alliance, and Unscripted Twillingate Digital Arts Festival, to name a few) with fundraising coaches, who provided the organizations with training and tools to improve their fundraising practices and diversify their revenue. The program also featured a day-long symposium with 41 organizations (including ArtsSupport participants and others), which included seminars, a panel with corporate sponsors, networking opportunities and more.

And it’s a program that’s made a big impact. See the graphic below for some key numbers (from participant organizations who were able to take full advantage of the program).

Here's what some participants of the ArtSupport NL program had to say:

“It’s been fantastic - it’s been a game changer for our organization because the training doesn’t only address the issues of fundraising - but how to create the foundation to be able to fundraise. That’s the step that most organizations miss.”

“We completely changed our approach to corporate sponsorship and it’s working!”

“It was FANTASTIC! Not only did it help us increase the amount we raised, it helped us evaluate what operational changes needed to be made in our organization. It helped provide the tools and the support we needed to make a huge transformation happen. I can’t rave enough about this program. It was a game changer for our organization. It also helped me in other aspects of my career outside of the office.”

Perchance Theatre also participated in the ArtSupport program. Pictured: Cast of Perchance Theatre and Artistic Director Danielle Irvine (middle) address patrons after a performance of selections from the season. Brigus, summer 2018. Photo by Kathi Stacey.

“Completely transformed us! Completely. We would not be where we are without it.”

“I feel I have gained a clear path forward and better buy-in at the board level. I’ve learned about best practices, become more comfortable with the idea of investment, and have enhanced our operational efficiency, which in turn has enhanced my capacity for fundraising and business development. Small steps this year, but these will undoubtedly lead to greater and greater impact as we build on our ideas and objectives. I could not have imagined progress of this scale and scope even one year ago.”

The late Rosalie Courage of RBR Development Associates Ltd. addresses ArtSupport NL participants at the Rocket Room in 2018.

To learn more about the impact of the ArtSupport NL program, click here to see the complete final report.

Business & Arts NL extends a big thank you to our fundraising coaches at Global Philanthropic, RBR Development Associates, and The Good Partnership, and to our program funders at Canadian Heritage, and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation.


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