Robert Hengeveld
Altogether Knotty
Quidi Vidi Village Artisan Studios

Epoxy painted steel

Two lengths of steel pipe are bent and twisted to create three unique knots. The twirling yellow forms of Altogether Knotty are reflective of the yarn, netting, or ropes that contribute to the livelihood of so many who work off the Quidi Vidi wharf and in the surrounding area. The project celebrates the value and importance of these lines, which are transformed into functional tools or rendered into elaborately crafted forms. The project responds to the rich knowledge of knot-making passed on from generation to generation.

Read more here.


Robert Hengeveld is an artist and maker of things, living and working in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. His creative practice has taken on many different forms, but exploring and experimenting with how we perceive and preconceive the world around us would be one way to summarize a given direction in his work.

The way this has been achieved is quite diverse, ranging from roller coasters and swarm robotics to the reworking and reimagining of collected beach plastics. This research often emerges through collaborative investigation, incorporating the expertise and insight of engineers, musicians, choreographers, poets, community members, and other artists. His work has been exhibited across Canada and internationally and is held in various public and private collections.





Moratorium Cod Drying