Team Up with the Arts

Nonprofit governance training and matching; building the arts sector one board member at a time.

Building the arts sector one board member at a time.

A great board is a team of people from the community with different skill sets, experiences and perspectives who are excited about an organization’s work and want to share their expertise to make it a success.

Program Overview

Are you looking for a way to get involved? Joining a board is a great way to expand your network, gain new skills and make a difference.  

Are you a board or staff member of a nonprofit arts team? Nurturing strong boards of skilled volunteers helps build a sustainable arts and culture sector that can weather any storm. 

Team Up With the Arts unites members of the creative sector in the province with potential volunteers who want to make an impact. Together, participants learn through a four-part program created in partnership with the Gardiner Centre, which provides a foundational understanding of governance (applicable to small nonprofits all the way up to multinational corporations), as well as the role of boards in supporting the growth of the arts in NL. 

Upon completion, volunteers may choose to be matched to join the board of one of the participating arts organizations.


This project has been made possible [in part] by the Government of Canada and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Industry, Energy and Technology. Ce projet est financé [en partie] par les gouvernements du Canada et Terreneuve et Labrador.