Creative Director, Perfect Day Canada

John has been working in small creative agencies for over 25 years, and has had a wide range of experiences – good, bad and everything in between. In this talk, he will share some lessons he’s learned through real experiences – about creativity, integrity, and life in a small creative studio.

John grew up in St. John’s, good times; moved away to go art school at NSCAD, good times; worked as a designer in Amsterdam and London, good times.

John has three boys. They are good kids. They are also cwazy. They take up a lot of his time. Well, they don’t exactly take it up; he enjoys the time with them, but, well, you know. John also has a wife, Kim, he enjoys time with her too. She helps with the cwazy, but she is also a bit cwazy.

John runs Perfect Day, a design studio that started in London, in 1999, and has been in St. John’s since 2010. His team is incredible. They don’t make him cwazy; he enjoys working and creating with them.

John loves innovative and effective client collaboration. He likes to do work that makes Newfoundland and Labrador a better place.

John has it pretty good. He has been very lucky.

Lessons Learned While Being Creative


JL González


Amber-Lynn Thorne & Daniel Rumbolt