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Call for Submissions – 2024 Local Holiday Gift Guide

Public Artwork Opportunity

Artists and creative entrepreneurs…we're looking for you!

Our Local Holiday Gift Guide is one of our most popular offerings. But it wouldn't be anything without your talent, skill and creativity. That's why we're inviting you to help us make the 2024 edition the biggest and best yet! 

This interactive PDF lets shoppers click on a product image, taking them directly to your product page or website - giving you another way to showcase your work and connect with new audiences and potential customers! For more details, see our FAQs below.

Check out last year's guide to get an idea of content, interactivity and layout: https://businessandartsnl.com/local-holiday-gift-guide

Did You Know?

Our Holiday Gift Guide is used year-round (like by members of the business community, seeking products from local artists for gift ideas, swag bag items, etc.). If you sell items that are of a lower price point, that can be reproduced in larger quantities, it’s a great idea to submit those too!

Deadline: Friday, October 11, 2024

Submission Guidelines

Artists may submit three different items they’d like to have featured in the guide (we recommend choosing ones that are most likely to draw people to your online store or website).

Please provide the following for each item using our online form:

  1. Product title/name

  2. An image of the product/service

    • Required dimensions: 6” (w) by 6.5” (h) at minimum 72ppi or 517px (w) by 560px (h)

    • Images submitted with different proportions will be cropped to this format, which is roughly square.

    • One item per image.

    • We’ve provided templates sized to the correct dimensions below to help ensure your product images will fit.

    • Max image size is 4MB. Accepted formats include JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF.

  3. Price (or price range) for each product

  4. A link to the specific product page on your site

Templates to help you resize you image files.

Below is a sample page from the 2023 gift guide to give you an idea of how your work will appear. Use the templates linked above to ensure each of your items fits proportionally within the image frames. Please refer to last year’s guide to get an idea of content, interactivity and layout: https://businessandartsnl.com/local-holiday-gift-guide/

Artist Information

  1. Your name or business name

  2. A short description of your business or the product/service you’d like featured (140 words max)

  3. Information/website on where to purchase your products/artwork (choose 1)

    • Website of the online store

    • Etsy page or

    • Website of a retailer that carries your products

  4. Social media handles (we use Instagram, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter)

If you’d like to take part, please complete and submit our online application form by Friday, October 11, 2024.



Please contact info@businessandartsnl.com. We will get back to you within 2 business days.

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sales, craft, visual arts, organizations, ecommerce Amy Henderson sales, craft, visual arts, organizations, ecommerce Amy Henderson

Call for Submissions – 2023 Holiday Gift Guide

Public Artwork Opportunity

Artists and creative entrepreneurs…it’s that time of year again!

Business & Arts NL is working on the 2023 edition of our popular Local Holiday Gift Guide, and we want you to be part of it!

The Holiday Gift Guide is an interactive PDF that lets shoppers click on a product image, taking them directly to your product page or website – providing another avenue to showcase your work and reach new audiences. Check out our FAQ below for more information.

Please refer to last year’s guide to get an idea of content, interactivity and layout: https://businessandartsnl.com/holiday-gift-guide/

Did You Know?

The Holiday Gift Guide isn’t used just during the holiday season, but year-round. Occasionally, members of the business community reach out to us seeking products by local creators for gift ideas, swag bag items, etc. If you sell items that are of a lower price point, that can be reproduced in larger quantities, it’s a great idea to submit those too!

Submission Guidelines

Artists are invited to submit three different items they’d like to have featured in the guide. We recommend choosing three items that are most likely to draw people to your online store or website.

For each item you will need to provide the following:

  1. Product title/name for each item

  2. An image of the product/service

    • Required dimensions 6” (w) by 6.5” (h) at minimum 72ppi or 517px (w) by 560px (h)

    • Images submitted with different proportions will be cropped to this format, which is roughly square

  3. Price (or price range) for each product

  4. A link to the specific product page on your site

Artist Information

  1. Your name or business name

  2. A short description of your business, or of the product/service you’d like featured (140 words max)

  3. Information/website on where to purchase your products/artwork (choose 1)

    • Website of the online store

    • Etsy page or

    • Website of a retailer that carries your products

  4. Social media handles (we use Instagram, Facebook and Twitter)

If you’d like to take part, please complete and submit our online application form by Friday, October 13, 2023.



Please contact info@businessandartsnl.com. We will get back to you within 2 business days.

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