Call for Artists – Outdoor Mural For The Town of Gaultois
Deadline to apply: September 20, 2024
Project Description:
The Town of Gaultois is searching for an artist to design and create an exterior mural on the lower half of our Community Centre located in the heart of town. Gaultois is an isolated community in Bay D’Espoir accessible by ferry. It is the last surviving town on Long Island. Several communities situated along the island’s shores: Piccaire, Raymond’s Point, Stone Valley, Round Harbour, Patrick’s Harbour and Harbour le Gallais were all thriving communities at one point but are now either silent or have become cabin sites.
Having survived a relocation vote in 2023, we are interested in considering mural themes of joy, resilience and embracing the town’s isolation as a feature which makes it unique and special. The mural could celebrate our rich history and promising future or its magical elements – the faerie dust sprinkled on our ATV trails that draws visitors to want to buy a house and move here. The crows, gulls, wharf cats, foxes, moose and whales who live parallel lives in the town could also be featured. We are open to all types of designs and styles including fantasy, myth, legend, historical, contemporary & abstract. We are looking for art that can move us emotionally and spark delight in residents and the large number of tourists who visit.
The Gaultois Community Centre is in the center of town and is the hub of social activities. The lower half of the Community Centre has two highly visible tapered walls (please see pictures below for measurements). The dimensions of the first side are 7’9” x 22’2’’ x 5’2”. The other side is 7’9” x 60’ x 3’4” This stretch has two windows and a door to be taken into consideration in the final design. The walls are a mixture of concrete and wood and the mural(s) will occupy the lower half of the Community Centre which is currently painted green as seen in the pictures. Submitting artists are invited to propose how much of the available space they envision incorporating into the mural and should indicate in their concept sketch the approximate dimensions and location on the specific walls.
The town is open to the artist creating the mural out of any material and can either be painted directly on the wall or applied onto Dibond, plywood or some other type of panels. The project can be created on-site inside the Community Centre or off-site and delivered to the town. The town will install panels on the building.
The project includes up to 9 days of residence in Gaultois if the artist chooses to create the mural onsite. If more time onsite is required, we can offer a letter of support to help the artist secure additional travel funding. If the mural is to be painted off-site, the deadline for delivery of the artwork is March 31, 2025.
The town requests the artist share documentation of their process so that the town can share images/videos on their social media as part of the town’s public engagement work related to this project.
The mural(s) will occupy the lower half of the Community Centre which is currently painted green. These walls are a tapered wedge shape. The dimensions of the mural area on the narrow side of the building are 7’9” x 22’2’’ x 5’2”.
The dimensions of the mural area on the longer side of the building are 7’9” x 60’ x 3’4”. This stretch has two windows and a door to be taken into consideration in the final design.
The maximum budget for the artist is $10,000, which would include all design, creation and materials, shipping, delivery (if applicable) and taxes, if applicable. Additional fees for travel expenses and accommodation for up to 9 days for an artist not living within the community will be provided. For painted works, The Paint Shop will donate up to $300 worth of paints to the project.
Submission Requirements:
Please submit the following by email in a single PDF to:
A description (max 500 words) and concept sketch of your proposed mural, indicating which wall(s) you'll use and the approximate dimensions or square footage of the proposed piece
A 200-word bio
A link to your website or portfolio and your social media presence
A budget outlining the artist fee requested and any extra expenditures creation of the mural would incur, such as the help of an assistant and materials. The maximum budget for the artist is $10,000.00 inclusive of HST if applicable. Please note that all accommodation, per diems and gas will be covered separately.
A basic work plan outlining key dates and steps. Please also indicate how long you would anticipate being in residence to paint
Up to five images of previous works that can help illustrate the style you have in mind for this project (please indicate the title, date, medium, and dimensions of each work).
Selection Process:
The successful artist will be chosen by a jury who will evaluate the proposed project on the following criteria:
Relevance of the proposed project to the themes and the clarity of ideas
Feasibility and scope of the project plan that demonstrates your capacity to undertake the proposed project
Impact – the potential of the project to contribute to and advance your artistic practice and/or professional development
Budget a reasonable budget that fairly compensates the artist and collaborators and that aligns with the proposed project
Submission deadline: September 20, 2024
The successful candidate will be contacted by October 1, 2024
On site mural painting will take place no later than March 2025 (dates are flexible)
If the mural is created off site, it must be delivered to the town by March 31, 2025.
Who Can Apply:
Preference may be given to artists residing in or connected to NL and travel expenses will only be provided to artists living in NL but outside of the community
Preference will be given to artists with outdoor mural painting experience.
Emerging and experienced artists are welcome to apply.
Application Deadline: September 20, 2024
Please contact the project co-ordinator Martine Blue: email:
This initiative is part of the Our Creative Home project, delivered by Municipalities NL and Business & Arts NL, and supported by the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs, in celebration of the Year of the Arts.